Category Archives: Metasploit
Hack windows xp with metasploit | tutorial
Hack windows xp with MS08-067 exploit Using metasploit its possible to hack windows xp machines just by using the ip address of the victim machine. It does not involve installing any backdoor or trojan server on the victim machine. Metasploit does this by exploiting a vulnerability in windows samba service called ms08-67. This exploit works… Read More »
Email harvesting with metasploit | tutorial
Out of the many useful auxiliary modules that metasploit has, one is called search_email_collector which searches google, bing and yahoo for email addresses associated to a particular domain. This is useful in automated information gathering during a penetration test program. The location inside msfconsole is auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector So lets try it out. Launch msfconsole. I am… Read More »