MAC Address
Mac address (Media Access Control Address) or hardware address is a 48 bit (6 character) wide address assigned to a network interface. It is important for the packet delivery between 2 devices like your computer and the router.
Ethernet protocol uses the mac address to deliver it to the right network node. It looks like this 00-1E-58-B8-D4-69 ( the dash is not relevant).
Mac address of any interface can also be changed (called mac spoofing).
Any network packet that needs to travel from a certain ip address to another needs to know the destination ip's mac address.
On windows there is a iphlpapi.dll file which has a function called SendARP which can be used to get the mac address of a given ip address.
Code - Get MAC address (For Visual C++ 6.0)
In Vc++ 6.0 , where iphlpapi.h and iphlpapi.lib are not available , we can create necessary structures and pointers to functions inside iphlpapi.dll file and use them.
/* Find mac address of a given IP address using iphlpapi */ #include "winsock2.h" #include "windows.h" #include "time.h" #include "stdio.h" #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //For winsock #define MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH 256 #define MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH 128 #define MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH 8 //Necessary Structs typedef struct { char String[4 * 4]; } IP_ADDRESS_STRING, *PIP_ADDRESS_STRING, IP_MASK_STRING, *PIP_MASK_STRING; typedef struct _IP_ADDR_STRING { struct _IP_ADDR_STRING* Next; IP_ADDRESS_STRING IpAddress; IP_MASK_STRING IpMask; DWORD Context; } IP_ADDR_STRING , *PIP_ADDR_STRING; typedef struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO { struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO* Next; DWORD ComboIndex; char AdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 4]; char Description[MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 4]; UINT AddressLength; BYTE Address[MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; DWORD Index; UINT Type; UINT DhcpEnabled; PIP_ADDR_STRING CurrentIpAddress; IP_ADDR_STRING IpAddressList; IP_ADDR_STRING GatewayList; IP_ADDR_STRING DhcpServer; BOOL HaveWins; IP_ADDR_STRING PrimaryWinsServer; IP_ADDR_STRING SecondaryWinsServer; time_t LeaseObtained; time_t LeaseExpires; } IP_ADAPTER_INFO, *PIP_ADAPTER_INFO; //Functions void loadiphlpapi(); void GetMacAddress(unsigned char * , struct in_addr ); //Loads from Iphlpapi.dll typedef DWORD (WINAPI* psendarp)(struct in_addr DestIP, struct in_addr SrcIP, PULONG pMacAddr, PULONG PhyAddrLen ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI* pgetadaptersinfo)(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen ); int main() { unsigned char mac[6]; struct in_addr srcip; char ip_address[32]; WSADATA firstsock; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&firstsock) != 0) { printf("\nFailed to initialise winsock."); printf("\nError Code : %d",WSAGetLastError()); return 1; //Return 1 on error } loadiphlpapi(); //Ask user to select the device he wants to use printf("Enter the ip address : "); scanf("%s",ip_address); srcip.s_addr = inet_addr(ip_address); //Get mac addresses of the ip GetMacAddress(mac , srcip); printf("Selected device has mac address : %.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X",mac[0],mac[1],mac[2],mac[3],mac[4],mac[5]); printf("\n"); return 0; } //2 functions psendarp SendArp; pgetadaptersinfo GetAdaptersInfo; void loadiphlpapi() { HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary("iphlpapi.dll"); GetAdaptersInfo = (pgetadaptersinfo)GetProcAddress(hDll,"GetAdaptersInfo"); if(GetAdaptersInfo==NULL) { printf("Error in iphlpapi.dll%d",GetLastError()); } SendArp = (psendarp)GetProcAddress(hDll,"SendARP"); if(SendArp==NULL) { printf("Error in iphlpapi.dll%d",GetLastError()); } } /* Get the mac address of a given ip */ void GetMacAddress(unsigned char *mac , struct in_addr destip) { DWORD ret; struct in_addr srcip; ULONG MacAddr[2]; ULONG PhyAddrLen = 6; /* default to length of six bytes */ int i; srcip.s_addr=0; //Send an arp packet ret = SendArp(destip , srcip , MacAddr , &PhyAddrLen); //Prepare the mac address if(PhyAddrLen) { BYTE *bMacAddr = (BYTE *) & MacAddr; for (i = 0; i < (int) PhyAddrLen; i++) { mac[i] = (char)bMacAddr[i]; } } }
Enter the ip address : Selected device has mac address : 00-1E-58-B8-D4-69 Press any key to continue
Code - For Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition
On Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition , the iphlpapi.lib and iphlpapi.h files are available so the code is much simpler and shorter.
/* Find mac address of a given IP address using iphlpapi */ #include "winsock2.h" #include "iphlpapi.h" //For SendARP #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #pragma comment(lib , "iphlpapi.lib") //For iphlpapi #pragma comment(lib , "ws2_32.lib") //For winsock void GetMacAddress(unsigned char * , struct in_addr ); int main() { unsigned char mac[6]; struct in_addr srcip; char ip_address[32]; WSADATA firstsock; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&firstsock) != 0) { printf("\nFailed to initialise winsock."); printf("\nError Code : %d" , WSAGetLastError() ); return 1; } //Ask user to select the device he wants to use printf("Enter the ip address : "); scanf_s("%s",ip_address); srcip.s_addr = inet_addr(ip_address); //Get mac addresses of the ip GetMacAddress(mac , srcip); printf("Selected device has mac address : %.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X-%.2X",mac[0],mac[1],mac[2],mac[3],mac[4],mac[5]); printf("\n"); _getch(); return 0; } /* Get the mac address of a given ip */ void GetMacAddress(unsigned char *mac , struct in_addr destip) { DWORD ret; IPAddr srcip; ULONG MacAddr[2]; ULONG PhyAddrLen = 6; /* default to length of six bytes */ int i; srcip = 0; //Send an arp packet ret = SendARP((IPAddr) destip.S_un.S_addr , srcip , MacAddr , &PhyAddrLen); //Prepare the mac address if(PhyAddrLen) { BYTE *bMacAddr = (BYTE *) & MacAddr; for (i = 0; i < (int) PhyAddrLen; i++) { mac[i] = (char)bMacAddr[i]; } } }
Enter the ip address : Selected device has mac address : 02-10-0C-98-E9-E2
The mac address is useful if you are constructing raw packets with Ethernet headers. The ethernet headers are usually added by low level networking libraries in the kernel.
The MAC address is unique for all devices on a network. To find the mac address of all networks on a node you can use some arp utility program. Arp scanner programs can find all machines on a network and their associated ip and mac addresses.
Can you help for me how to convert the mac to string or char*?
when I input ip address like IS MY FRIENDS’ PC’S IP),the mac address output is CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC.
Are you sure that their devices are open? ARP socket packet can’t get response data, thus no information containing the MAC address will be sent to your machine. There’s another reason why you can’t get the true MAC address, that is the router will only send the MAC of itself but not the MAC of your friends’ devices’ MAC addresses.
can you please provide a code of above program in linux .