Author Archives: Silver Moon

About Silver Moon

A Tech Enthusiast, Blogger, Linux Fan and a Software Developer. Writes about Computer hardware, Linux and Open Source software and coding in Python, Php and Javascript. He can be reached at [email protected].

Does gedit open slow ? speed it up

By | February 16, 2013

Gedit is the default text editor on gnome desktop. If you notice that it takes quite some time to launch after clicking the menu icon, then here is a simple trick that can speed it up. 1. Open gedit. 2. Go to Edit > Preferences, Plugins tab. 3. Disable the plugin named "File Browser Panel"…. Read More »

Add wireless router to existing wired network or lan

By | February 14, 2013

Wired Network Lets say you have an existing wired network setup at your workstation or home somewhat like this Adsl Modem/Router ( => Switch => Multiple Pcs (, …) Now you want to add a wireless access point to this existing wired network so that you can connect to the internet wirelessly from your… Read More »

How to Enable Webgl in Google Chrome on Ubuntu 12.10

By | May 20, 2023

By default google chrome would keep webgl features disabled if your gpu driver does not support 3d acceleration. However there are options to force enable it. To enable webgl in Google Chrome launch it with the following flags –enable-webgl –ignore-gpu-blacklist Here is the command: $ google-chrome –enable-webgl –ignore-gpu-blacklist Now test webgl by opening the following… Read More »

How to enable Webgl in Firefox on Ubuntu

By | January 4, 2023

WebGL WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics and 2D graphics[2] within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. It is analogous to a 3D graphics api like OpenGL but runs inside a web browser and programmed in javascript instead of C or C++. The important thing… Read More »

Convert mp3 audio files to ogg on ubuntu

By | June 27, 2013

I recently needed to convert some mp3 audio files to ogg format so that the html5 audio tag could play them in mozilla firefox. Had to search a bit to find out how to do this easily and here are the results. There is an excellent application called soundconverter ( soundkonverter for kde users )…. Read More »

Generate a dropdown list of timezones in php

By | February 14, 2018

Applications often allow users to select their timezones for reporting the proper time properly. Here is a quick function that can be used to generate a dropdown list of timezones that is easy to read and understand. <?php function get_timezones() { $o = array(); $t_zones = timezone_identifiers_list(); foreach($t_zones as $a) { $t = ''; try… Read More »