Category Archives: Linux

Softmaker Freeoffice – a free office suite for linux

By | July 28, 2013

Softmaker Freeoffice Softmaker Freeoffice is an office suite that is available for both windows and linux, with a free and paid version. The free version can be downloaded from the website The suite provides the following 3 applications Textmaker This is the wordprocessor. Supports microsoft formats like docx and doc. However the free version can… Read More »

Does gedit open slow ? speed it up

By | February 16, 2013

Gedit is the default text editor on gnome desktop. If you notice that it takes quite some time to launch after clicking the menu icon, then here is a simple trick that can speed it up. 1. Open gedit. 2. Go to Edit > Preferences, Plugins tab. 3. Disable the plugin named "File Browser Panel"…. Read More »

How to Enable Webgl in Google Chrome on Ubuntu 12.10

By | May 20, 2023

By default google chrome would keep webgl features disabled if your gpu driver does not support 3d acceleration. However there are options to force enable it. To enable webgl in Google Chrome launch it with the following flags –enable-webgl –ignore-gpu-blacklist Here is the command: $ google-chrome –enable-webgl –ignore-gpu-blacklist Now test webgl by opening the following… Read More »

Convert mp3 audio files to ogg on ubuntu

By | June 27, 2013

I recently needed to convert some mp3 audio files to ogg format so that the html5 audio tag could play them in mozilla firefox. Had to search a bit to find out how to do this easily and here are the results. There is an excellent application called soundconverter ( soundkonverter for kde users )…. Read More »

Best puzzle solving games for ubuntu

By | May 15, 2023

Here is a list of most popular puzzle games on Ubuntu Linux Marble Arena 2 Excellent graphics and colorful. This is a game where a marble is to be moved around and points to be collected. Project website Install on ubuntu 1. Download Linux version from 2. Install libwebkit1.1-cil from synaptic 3. Extract… Read More »

Best php ide and web development tools on ubuntu

By | May 10, 2020

There are a lot of IDEs for ubuntu for doing php related web development. Lets see a few. Aptana Studio Supports PHP, Ruby, Python and more. Autosuggest dropdowns available, Integrated preview available. Project website Install on ubuntu Download from Quanta Quanta is the Dreamweaver of Linux. However it is not developed anymore. As… Read More »

Install Quanta on Ubuntu 11.10

By | May 10, 2020

I upgraded my ubuntu few hours back from 11.04 to 11.10 ; it all went fine. After the upgrade I noticed that Quanta – my favorite php development tool had vanished. Doing few searches on google lead to the information that its now deprecated and not maintained in the repos anymore. So I got it… Read More »

Compile wxwebconnect on Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit

By | February 2, 2012

wxwebconnect is a control for wxwidgets that allows to embed a gecko browser in a wxwidgets application. So lets try to install it on Ubuntu 11.04 wxWidgets can be installed from synaptic. Look for packages called libwxgtk2.8-* 1. Download wxwebconnect source from Extract them in home directory. Inside the webconnect directory you would see… Read More »

Traceroute command not working on Ubuntu

By | August 4, 2012

The traceroute utility can be installed from synaptic : $ sudo apt-get install traceroute Some Information : $ traceroute -V Modern traceroute for Linux, version 2.0.15, Oct 17 2010 Copyright (c) 2008 Dmitry Butskoy, License: GPL v2 or any later Doing some test runs $ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60… Read More »