Category Archives: Server
6 quick Tools to monitor system resources on Linux
12 “scp” Command Examples to Transfer Files on Linux
How to use Collectl to monitor system resources on Linux / Ubuntu
How to configure vsftpd to use SSL/TLS (FTPS) on CentOS/Ubuntu
10 “ps” command examples in Linux – Monitor processes
Setup Apache 2.4 and Php FPM with mod proxy fcgi on Ubuntu 13.10
How to Install Nginx + Php FPM + APC on CentOS 6.4
5 commands to check memory usage on Linux
How to Open Http port ( 80 ) in Iptables on CentOS
Setup Nginx + php-FPM + apc + MariaDB on Debian 7 – The perfect LEMP server
How to Install Htop on centos 6.4
Htop on centos When it comes to monitoring the cpu and ram usage on your linux machine, htop is the best tool to use. It is an ncurses based commandline too that does not require any gui like desktop, but still provides a very interactive and featureful interface to monitor processes running on the system… Read More »
Install and configure Apache and PHP with cgi on Ubuntu or Debian
Setup Apache and Php with mod_fcgid on Ubuntu/Debian
Mod Fcgid Mod Fcgid is an apache module that enables it to talk to fastcgi enabled application. It can be used to setup with apache to run php over fastcgi. It is an alternative to the older mod_fastcgi and has some differences with it. In this post we shall be setting up apache with php… Read More »
Install and configure Apache and php with mod fastcgi on Ubuntu/Debian
An overview of apache mpms and php server apis
Apache + Php When setting up an apache+php server to run your php applications, there are lots of configuration parameters to deal with. The most important is the php Server Api (sapi). It determines how exactly is apache going to run the php scripts. Along with the php sapi another important thing to select is… Read More »
How to Fix “htaccess: Options not allowed here” Error
Find the location of apache configuration file
Apache is a web server that is available for all major platforms. Each OS stores the apache in a different directory or path, due to which it takes some effort to find the configuration file when needed. For example Ubuntu and fedora store it in different locations inspite of both being linux. So here are… Read More »
How to Install Jailkit on Ubuntu/Debian
How to Check which MPM (Multi Processing Module) Apache is Running
MPM (Multi processing module) is a component of apache server, that determines how multiple clients or connections shall be handled. Apache is flexible by design and there are different mpms that can be used with apache depending on the needs. Some MPMs create a separate process to handle each request, whereas some create separate threads…. Read More »