Output buffering in php and apache

By | June 18, 2013

Output Buffering Output buffering is processing mechanism where the output being generated by a program is held in a place till its size reaches a limit or the generation is complete. Only after, will the output be send to its destination. In php for example, doing and echo generates some output. Now this output might… Read More »

Php – Do not rely on set_time_limit too much

By | April 23, 2019

Php set_time_limit Php has a function called set_time_limit which can be used to dynamically adjust the maximum execution time permitted to a script. It allows specifying the time in seconds and limits the script execution time to that many seconds. The set_time_limit function whenever called, effectively extends the script execution time by that many seconds…. Read More »

Generate ssh keys on windows 8

By | March 10, 2018

SSH If you are using an ssh client on windows to control a remote webserver and want to setup passwordless logins then you need to create ssh keys. The puttygen command from the putty suite can be used to generate keys in both putty and openssh formats. Download the puttygen program from the following url… Read More »

Install quanta plus on ubuntu 12.10

By | June 27, 2013

Quanta Plus Quanta Plus is web development tool for the KDE desktop that resembles dreamweaver of windows. But it is a dead project now and is not being developed anymore for years. However it is still my favorite because it works very well. Remarkable features are : 1. Group files into projects. 2. Auto-suggestions for… Read More »

Enable smooth scrolling in Google Chrome

By | May 19, 2013

Firefox by default has smooth scrolling enabled on Ubuntu. With smooth scrolling, if you turn the mouse wheel, the page scrolls by some percentage not in a single moment, but taking some time like an animation. It gives a similar effect as if the page is being scrolled by fingers on a touch device. Google… Read More »

Hack remote adsl routers

By | May 15, 2013

Adsl Routers Adsl routers are very common now a days as the primary hardware device used to connect to broadband connections. The modems connect to the broadband service using the username/password. Then the pcs connect to this router to form a local area network. The pcs use the router as the primary gateway to connect… Read More »