PHP : Add Login with Github to your website

By | May 9, 2020

Github Login Github has become a very popular social login on websites related to programming and development. Github itself is a big storehouse of opensource projects and community of developers. Github oAuth documentation can be found at Register website with Github oAuth The first thing to do would be to register your website with… Read More »

Use clientside ssl certificate with curl and php

By | June 13, 2012

Clientside certificates are often used in soap webservices. For example the wsdl file link might require a clientside certificate. The server throws an error like this : HTTP Error 403.7 – Forbidden: SSL client certificate is required. Curl Command To use clientside certificate with curl , test the following command curl –cert certificate_file.pem or… Read More »

Fix Bsnl broadband frequent disconnection problem

By | November 7, 2012

Bsnl has plenty of high speed (4 MPBS) plans as mentioned here : . These are on the NIB – II Network. Ip addresses begin with 117. One known problem with the high speed internet is that it gets disconnected frequently. So like Yahoo Messenger or Pidgin or Skype could go offline every 5… Read More »

Login into phpmyadmin without username and password

By | June 25, 2013

Phpmyadmin auto login Phpmyadmin is a popular web based mysql database administration tool/frontend. It is used widely by php/mysql developers to manage database locally and remotely. When logging in to phpmyadmin, the user has to provide the mysql login credentials. However when working or developing on localhost , its better to make phpmyadmin login automatically… Read More »

40+ Useful Php tips for beginners – Part 3

By | April 7, 2012

Part 2 26. Avoid direct SQL query , abstract it $query = "INSERT INTO users(name , email , address , phone) VALUES('$name' , '$email' , '$address' , '$phone')"; $db->query($query); //call to mysqli_query() The above is the simplest way way of writing sql queries and interacting with databases for operations like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc. But… Read More »

Php get list of locales installed on system

By | March 26, 2012

On linux , the list of locales installed on the system can be fetched through the terminal command locale -a : $ locale -a C C.UTF-8 en_AG en_AG.utf8 en_AU.utf8 en_BW.utf8 en_CA.utf8 en_DK.utf8 en_GB.utf8 en_HK.utf8 en_IE.utf8 en_IN en_IN.utf8 en_NG en_NG.utf8 en_NZ.utf8 en_PH.utf8 en_SG.utf8 en_US.utf8 en_ZA.utf8 en_ZM en_ZM.utf8 en_ZW.utf8 es_AR.utf8 es_BO.utf8 es_CL.utf8 es_CO.utf8 es_CR.utf8 es_DO.utf8 es_EC.utf8 es_ES.utf8… Read More »