Port scanning
A port scanner is a program that checks for open network ports on a local or remote machine. For example, if a machine is running an http webserver then it has port 80 open. So by scanning for open ports on a machine, we can find what server applications are running on it.
This is useful specially in security analysis and audit. Machines that are accessible online on the internet need to be careful about what ports they have open.
In this post we shall try to code a simple port scanner in C on Linux. It will try to connect to a specified port on a machine and if the connection succeeds the port is open.
Tcp Connect Port scanner
There are many techniques for port scanning and the most basic one is tcp connect port scanning. Tcp connect port scanner works by trying to establish a connection with every port that is to be scanned.
If a connection is established then the port is open otherwise closed. This technique of port scanner is the most basic form of port scanning. However it is the slowest and not very stealthy and easily caught by firewalls or other intrusion detection systems.
Tcp connect port scanning establishes a full connection which involves a 3-way handshake between the 2 hosts. Due to this it is the slowest and consumes the maximum time. The steps involved in the 3 way handshake are
Local system ----> sends tcp syn packet -----> Remote system Local system <---- replies with a syn+ack packet <----- Remote system Local system ----> sends ack packet -----> Remote system
After all the 3 steps are done, the connection is fully established and ready for further communication.
In real scenarios are different port scanning technique called "tcp syn port scanning" is used. It does not establish a full 3 way handshake but establishes the connection only partially to detect the open port.
The 3 step shown above is not there in syn scanning and hence a full connection is not established and discarded midway. Therefore tcp syn scanning is much faster.
In this post we shall be coding such a tcp connect port scanner using sockets. The code samples shown are for linux. If you want to code the same thing on windows then check out the post on port scanner code in winsock.
Port scanner Code
To implement tcp connect port scanning the simple steps are
1. Create a socket 2. Run a Loop to connect with each port on the remote system. If connection is established then port open otherwise closed.
Here is the full program.
/* Port scanner code in c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc , char **argv) { struct hostent *host; int err, i , sock ,start , end; char hostname[100]; struct sockaddr_in sa; //Get the hostname to scan printf("Enter hostname or IP : "); gets(hostname); //Get start port number printf("\nEnter start port number : "); scanf("%d" , &start); //Get end port number printf("Enter end port number : "); scanf("%d" , &end); //Initialise the sockaddr_in structure strncpy((char*)&sa , "" , sizeof sa); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; //direct ip address, use it if(isdigit(hostname[0])) { printf("Doing inet_addr..."); sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname); printf("Done\n"); } //Resolve hostname to ip address else if( (host = gethostbyname(hostname)) != 0) { printf("Doing gethostbyname..."); strncpy((char*)&sa.sin_addr , (char*)host->h_addr , sizeof sa.sin_addr); printf("Done\n"); } else { herror(hostname); exit(2); } //Start the port scan loop printf("Starting the portscan loop : \n"); for( i = start ; i <= end ; i++) { //Fill in the port number sa.sin_port = htons(i); //Create a socket of type internet sock = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0); //Check whether socket created fine or not if(sock < 0) { perror("\nSocket"); exit(1); } //Connect using that socket and sockaddr structure err = connect(sock , (struct sockaddr*)&sa , sizeof sa); //not connected if( err < 0 ) { //printf("%s %-5d %s\r" , hostname , i, strerror(errno)); fflush(stdout); } //connected else { printf("%-5d open\n", i); } close(sock); } printf("\r"); fflush(stdout); return(0); }
Run the program
First compile the program using gcc. Its simple.
# gcc portscanner.c
Now run the program and provide the necessary input
# ./a.out Enter hostname or IP : google.com Enter start port number : 75 Enter end port number : 85 Doing gethostbyname...Done Starting the portscan loop : 80 open #
So the above program scanned ports 75 to 85 on google.com and found only port 80 to be open, which is the webserver port.
for the amp& thing read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/C_Programming/comments/d24mkf/what_the_hell_is_this_includeltstdiohgt/) what it is.
jessechalken says : “It would be a bug in the website where you got the code. The signs have been html encoded. It’s not valid C syntax, don’t worry about it.”
if you’re using nano, do a find and replace. hit ctrl + \ to enter the string you want replace, hit enter, and then enter the string you want to replace it with. I did this for all iterations of “"” and replaced with quotes “
Takes long long time to run……
you actually should avoid using strncpy to copy or free structures, since strncpy stops on the very first zero; use memset and memcpy instead.